I asked ChatGPT : What would Nature say to humanity if she could speak

Eldho Kuriakose
6 min readMar 16, 2023
Edward Burtynsky, Colorado River Delta #2, Near San Felipe, Baja, Mexico (2011). Photo © Edward Burtynsky, courtesy Howard Greenberg and Bryce Wolkowitz Galleries, New York / Nicholas Metivier Gallery, Toronto.

One of the most powerful use cases of ChatGPT is to help expand the dimensionality and texture of a topic by generating new ideas and insights.

The following excerpts are my experiments using this capability to anthropomorphize nature and listen to her using ChatGPT.

Water. I stumbled on this prompt as I was trying to convey the fuzzy notion of a deep abiding wisdom that will arise in humanity — hopefully before it’s too late. So I asked ChatGPT:

“How would a deep river talk about an emergent wisdom that heals the pain that is burning the planet?”

“I have seen many things in my time, but the pain that is burning the planet is like nothing I have ever seen before. The fires rage, the waters rise, and the winds howl. But amidst the chaos, I sense an emergent wisdom, a deep knowing that is rising up from the depths of the earth. It is a wisdom that flows like my own waters, powerful and constant, yet gentle and nourishing. It is a wisdom that heals the wounds of the earth, that soothes the flames of destruction and brings new life to the scorched earth. It is a wisdom that reminds us of our interconnectedness, that shows us that we are all part of a greater whole. And as I carry this wisdom downstream, I can feel it spreading like ripples on my…



Eldho Kuriakose

Nothing can be added or taken away from you, only uncovered.