Eldho Kuriakose
Mar 16, 2021



I’m not taking a position of blaming the poor. I’m questioning the efficacy of “helping" by throwing money at it. I also don’t think that we are “helping" the rich by throwing money at them (as we as a society are all too inclined to do). Money doesn’t make anyone wealthy. In fact, it is aggressively impoverishing us. Look at our politics before and after money. Look at our healthcare before and after we started writing blank checks directly from our paychecks. Look at what has happened to our military with the blank checks it received.

Yes, we need money, but we need community infinitely more. And money can’t buy that. It is a decision we collectively and continually make by working through our differences.



Eldho Kuriakose

Nothing can be added or taken away from you, only uncovered.